the new names don't make no damn sense neither

I am a strange character to many. I align with what was the political left 20 years ago, but the left-leaning political parties have gone insane, in my opinion, especially on national levels. I align with the economic views of the right, generally speaking, even if I disagree with them on most other matters. And I am staunchly pro-freedom, especially with speech, something that both sides of the aisle are lacking, but especially the left as of late. If the entire government were clones of Rand Paul, and Ron Paul were president, I believe the world would be a much better place. We would all be able to afford shit again. Rand Paul got crucified for late reporting of a stock purchase for a few grand when the majority of the House of Representatives is insider trading like nobody's business.

These views carry over to the software world. Even [Ted Cruz criticized the US government] for its views on regulating crypto, and the right-wing is generally pretty anti-technology. TikTok should not be banned, it should be educated against. The government forces our hand instead of allowing schools to educate children to prevent issues in the first place. Many of my views simply cannot be said enthusiastically without vulgar language, but simply put, our freedoms are slipping away and our ability to afford shit is basically gone.

On these same notes, people should promote free software when they discover it. And by free I don't just mean financially, I mean more unenslaved. I'm all for buying from people who put in effort, but don't give the data collectors at Microsoft and Google your money. They simply use it on more hardware and software to figure out how you work and take even more of your money. Now they are trying to regulate AI and it will be passed off as "saving people" but in reality they are all in corporate pockets. Then the big money AIs will be the only thing around. This is a downward spiral. Our current government is anti-freedom and I am whole-heartedly against it. 20-somethings these days are all for it. Please open your eyes and realize how small your sample size is. Life was better before, realize when the problems were introduced, and what caused them.

Perhaps everyone should buy some precious metals, or even Bitcoin or Dogecoin, before all things fractional reserve go POP and the second great depression arrives.

[Bard Heals A Tumor]